Sunday, January 25, 2015

Typical Christian

I'm not your typical Christian.  This may conjur up all the images you've ever had in your mind about what a Christian is.  What do they look like?  What do they stand for?  Politics?  What are they against?  I want you to erase every image you've ever had about Christians.  What if you'd never encountered a Christian in your life.  You had literally no preconceived notion about Christianity, had never even heard the name Jesus (the most controversial name in history).   Imagine a genuine caring, loving and truly enlightened individual came up to you and explained who Jesus was, what he did and how this affects YOU not only in this lifetime but for eternity?  Would you be interested?  I think just about everyone would be interested.  There are a few exeptions.  Lovers of wealth and lovers of darkness.  People who have everything they need in this lifetime tend to close their eyes to deeper needs.  The focus is so much on the seeming abundance of this superficial reality that it's hard to imagine there is more to life.  It is so distracting in fact, that the wealthy are the most likely to want to live forever on this  earth!   Jesus says to forsake this life.  Die to the flesh.  For he who loses his life for his sake will find it (eternal life).  When people love darkness... well, what can I say?  If you are neither a lover of wealth or darkness there is hope for you!  According to the accounts in Mary K Baxter's books  about the people she witnessed in hell (she was taken there by Jesus for 30 nights) (I realize that sounds crazy to a very linear minded person;).  I believe every word she wrote in her book.  Jesus took her on a very detailed trip through hell so she would write a book warning people on earth about the kinds of people who end up in hell, and the eternal tortures that they will endure.  Some people don't want to think about this stuff.  They want to graze from the superficial manna of the temporary.  Now that is the epitome of crazy!  Everyone will die.  No exceptions. Your eternity matters to you, to me and to God.  That is the reason for this blog.  I risk sounding like a bafoon in the hopes that you will open a deaf ear and hear what the spirit is speaking to YOU, before it's too late.  People have this misconception that God will forgive all, always.  This is true UNTIL death.  Once you die that's it.  The verdict is ruled and it is final.  That is why SO many people have been warning you your entire life.  That is why it is urgent.  They're not trying to "convert" you into something for their own gain.  The gain is for you alone.  They're not trying to be annoying although this stuff is annoying to hear if your spirit has been smothered by the distortions of truth that govorn this world.  Annoyance is often necessary.  It is the confrontation of delusion.  It is the assessment of the soil for the seed of truth.  Do you have soil?  Is it workable soil?  Will something good grow in you?  That is always the hope.  All with deep, enduring and eternal love...

Good song here: Brooke Fraser, Shadowfeet

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