Sunday, January 4, 2015

Forsake All I Take Him

 I was crying to the LORD with my voice, And He answered me from his holy mountain.  Selah 
                   -Psalms 3:4
  Back when I was a wee little seedling germinating in the soil of truth I noticed people of strong faith.  I admired them.  I didn't know where faith came from, or how it was acquired.  Were these people born into it?  Were their parents preachers?  How they acquired their personal faith matters little really, as everyone acquires it through different processes.  I now understand that God works like mysterious ways.  He doesn't just put every person through a conveyer belt to experience the same things and come to him by the same means.  I believe he sends his people down here into various situations for various reasons.  He calls his people to do his will and he knows they will hear his voice.

  Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.
  -Jeremiah 1:5

Now, obviously Jeremiah was a legitimate prophet, and there have been many prophets since him, BUT there are more false prophets then genuine and we have to open our eyes to know the difference.  We have to fill our minds with the truth of the bible to know the difference.  To each man has been given the power of discernment but many choose to ignore it.  I think we all have the potential to prophecy if it is God's will and if we are faithful and listen and adhere to the law set forth in the bible.  But FIRST we must learn.  We must study.  We must be in contact through prayer with the living God.  I think God gives as much as we put into it.  He knows our hearts.  He knows what we want.  If we want diamonds and gold, he knows it.  If we're after the fame and the glory of the world, he knows it.  But if we're after TRUTH he knows it too.  I know that I am a die hard truth seeker.  I am in learning mode.  This blog is to map my course for anyone who chooses to follow along.  My power of discernment is telling me that we are in very serious times, so I don't want to neglect all that I've learned so far by not sharing it.  
  Last night I had a dream I had to give a speech.  Anyone who knows me knows that I am not much of a talker much less a speaker and so I was deeply concerned in my dream.  I knew I had to give the speech so I signed myself up to be one of the first speakers because I like to get dreadful things over with rather than let them sit and putrefy my nerves.  So I heard my name, I stood up and walked to the microphone.  I had kind of a list of things I might talk about but once I got up there I just had no idea what to say.  I wasn't prepared.  So I just stood there and held the microphone out away from me.  I said nothing!  And the dread followed me knowing that I'd have to get up there and do it again!  I'm hoping this was not a prophetic dream;-)  
  Anyway,  I'm working on building my knowledge base and my faith so that if someday I actually have to speak I'll be able to.  You know, God often uses people's weakness's to make them strong.  Eek!  And I feel that once you know something it is kind of your duty to share it.  
 If you're a mac user like me, the video might not come up so here is the link

  I watch inspiring youtube videos while working out and recently I came across Sid Roth's It's Supernatural where he interviews Glenda Jackson.  This woman is a woman of FAITH.  She has been given the gift of prophesy, healing and discernment.  She has been to heaven and hell.  She speaks the words of God.  I highly recommend watching this and her other videos on youtube.  She is super old school.  Not just preaching the popular lukewarm message that we so often mistake for the word of God. We need to stop settling for lukewarm truth.  Are you ever bored at church?  You shouldn't be!  If you're falling asleep in church your minister is putting you to sleep by being lukewarm in his teaching.  Maybe he doesn't even know the truth.  The truth will wake you up out of a dead sleep!  Check her out!  God told her while she was in heaven the meaning of faith.  F-forsake A-all I-I T-take H-him.  Her mission is to call out false prophets and lead people to the truth.  Awesome...

Therefor, brothers, be all the more diligent to make your calling and election sure, for if you practice these qualities you will never fail.  For in this way there will be richly provided for you an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 
     -Peter 1:10-11

Enter through the narrow gate.  For the gate is wide that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
           -Matthew 7:13-14

  My ultimate message here is don't put all of your faith in one person.  Don't think that somebody, even a preacher knows more than you and has all of the answers.  Trust your instincts.  If it doesn't feel right seek out the reasons... find the answers for yourself.

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