Sunday, April 26, 2015

Dreams- 4/25

(I'm not promoting this book, I just like the cover) 

For those who question dream interpretation and think it might be too "mystical" or too "new age" for Bible believers, let's go back and examine that Bible  again.  While we should always be cautious and mindful of what we engage in we should also keep in mind that new age concepts and practices often come out of the Bible.  They are profaned by filtering God out of the picture.  Where do you think Ekhart Tolle got his New Earth idea?  Don't even get me started on Ekhart Tolle.  How he managed to write an entire book on the "power of now" still confounds me to this day, and yes, I used to buy into all that jazz;-).  Let's all pray for him and his enormous following. That they would know the power of the living God and be introduced to the whole message and the truth!

They said to him, “We have had dreams, and there is no one to interpret them.” And Joseph said to them, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Please tell them to me.” Genesis 40:8

“‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams;  Acts 2:17

And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual. 1 Corinthians 2:13

And he said, “Hear my words: If there is a prophet among you, I theLord make myself known to him in a vision; I speak with him in a dream.  Numbers 12:6

In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, while they slumber on their beds,  Job 33:15

But there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and he has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will be in the latter days. Your dream and the visions of your head as you lay in bed are these:
Daniel 2:28

And God spoke to Israel in visions of the night and said, “Jacob, Jacob.” And he said, “Here am I.”  Genesis 46:2

  I've had a couple of interesting dreams the last two nights.  Interesting to me anyway.  You know, some dreams are entirely personal and others are prophetic.  I'm realizing how bad I am at interpretation though.  If it's not in my face obvious I'm fairly clueless.  In these moments I long for the counsel of Daniel (otherwise known as Belteshazzar;) or Joseph! 

4/24  I'm with my mom at a grocery store (similar to Sprouts on Drake).  We split up, then I realize she's looking for me.  I see her but she's far away.  I start walking faster to catch up but she leaves the store and walks down the way and into a coffee shop (that does not exist near Sprouts).  I can tell she's still looking for me as she walks in there.  As I'm following her I hear someone singing hallelujah yeah, hallelujah yeah really loud.  The sound echoes against the brick building and as I enter the coffee shop I announce " here I am" in a humorous way, as if to indicate that my presense always preludes with a heavenly announcement.  Alan Horvath is the barista and he laughs at my arrival getting the joke of course.  It feels like I've known him forever (I just love that guy).  

Correlation or coincidence?  I remember thinking it was pretty strange for somebody to be singing hallelujah so loudly in public.  Alan Horvath is one of my favorite teachers on youtube and he's really into a specific interpretation of the bible called the Hallelujah Scriptures.

Second scene- (Back at the house I grew up in) I'm waking up early in the morning and I notice a fish tank (I've never owned a fish tank) sitting to my left on the ledge of my headboard.  I feel like it's going to fall into the bed so I reach up to move it back when I see a snake!  I also notice some other living creature and as I look to observe it it turns into a small Giraffe!  Then I see a smallish cat that I thought was a wildcat for some reason.  I tried to get out of my bedroom and shut the door  to prevent the wildcat from attacking my real cat!  I ran upstairs and there was Alan Horvath again!  He was dating my mom.  I guess he was getting up early to leave.  I told him about the snake and he asked if I had a fish tank (implying that that could be the cause of the snake).  I said yes, and he looked at me like yah, that's probably why. - End dream-

Uhm... any takers?  I know that fish can represent spirit or souls, so it could be saying that since I'm dwelling in God's realm the serpent (the enemy) is lurking around waiting to attack?  To me, giraffe's represent an innocent animal that could be easily subject to prey because they don't have a lot of defense mechanisms.  Wildcats are obviously scary predators... The room (my room) was filled with the innocent and the blood thirsty, and I was seeking the wise counsel of Alan Horvath.  

On a larger scale this dream could represent the current state of my world or the  world.  The powers of good and evil  co-existing and my seeking (Alan H. Could represent God) higher wisdom while I'm here.  And he's telling me to be aware because while I'm living in this current reality evil will always be lurking in the shadows...

4/25  I dreamed I was working in someones house, when one of my clients (whome I've had in multiple dreams) comes over and is surprised to see me there.  For some reason I get really dizzy and can hardly move.  She helps me up and I just apologizing saying "I don't know what's wrong with me, I can hardly move, this is so weird...".  Then, I'm working my way through this house and it just keeps getting bigger and there's more and more flights of stairs.  There's people everywhere and they're really nice.  Everyone is really lively and many people seem to be working like it's an office out of a house.  I'm actually having a good time, but I'm working and I'll never get done!  One guy is at his desk and asks if I'll clean up around his desk.  Then he tells me I need to put all the cups in the dishwasher.  At this point I get mad and I'm like "no dude, you don't understand.  First of all I don't DO that and second of all I WAY under bid this job".  He was just looking at me confoundedly.  I told him "look, everyone here has been really nice, but we just did not realize how big of a job this is".  He understood, but he's not the boss.  My helper decides to leave and I consider leaving too because I clearly under bid this job!  It ends with us considering the weight or reprecussion of just leaving, as this is not something we would normally do.

--End dream-

Side note- the client who keeps appearing in my dream is notably Christian (a rare phenom around here).  I don't often think about or dream about any of my clients so this is kind of unique that she keeps appearing.  

The size of the job compared to our bid felt like in reality that it would be pro bono  if we were to stay, but at the same time, our job wasn't life altering in any way so why would we do it for free?  Ya know?  Perhaps the dream is referring more to just being over my head in terms of really trying to understand God.  It feels like a job researching all the streets(interpretations) and avenues(theories) of understanding and percieving the angles of God.  The deeper I dig the "bigger" it gets.  It's hard work!  

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